Trigg County FFA Celebrates Successful Year During Banquet


The Trigg County FFA officer team and members celebrated a successful 2022-23 year during their annual chapter banquet Friday, April 28.

2022-23 President Olivia Freeman took time to thank all the supporters of the FFA chapter throughout the year.

click to download audioFFA Advisor and agriculture teacher Jodie P’Pool presented three prestigious national FFA scholarships to two graduating seniors.

click to download audioFFA Advisor and Agriculture Teacher Karen Nolcox presented Mike Hyde L & H Farms Scholarships to Libby Alexander, Trevor Terrell, Mitchell Green, and Chloe Ladd. Reporter Jacey Holmes presented the James Ladd scholarships to Olivia Freeman and Chloe Ladd. Historian Jennie Watts presented Jeff Williamson Memorial Scholarships to Elizabeth Hiter and Sara Sink. Chaplain Anna Sink presented Patrick Perry Memorial Scholarships to Tyler Jacobs and Libby Alexander.

The Trigg County FFA Officer team inducted student teacher Alexis Stevenson who has taught during the 2022-23 school year with Karen Nolcox, as honorary member.

Advisors Karen Nolcox and Jodie P’Pool presented Greenhand and Chapter FFA Degrees to a number of members that have met the qualifications. P’Pool noted that Olivia Freeman, Sarah Sink, and Elizabeth Hiter will receive their State FFA Degrees at the state convention in June. P’Pool also announced that Kinley Humphries will receive the American FFA Degree at the National Convention in October.

The officer team also presented several awards to FFA members that competed in contests throughout the year.

Retiring President Olivia Freeman took a moment to recognize the chapter officer team she has led during the past year.

click to download audioFreeman also introduced the 2023-24 officer team that includes President Anna Sink, Vice-President Clayton Litchfield, Arizona Kennedy as Secretary, Jacey Holmes as treasurer, reporter Jamie Lynn Hestand, Jennie Watts as Sentinel, and Chaplain Lucy Litchfield.

2023 Trigg County FFA Banquet

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