DECISION 2022 – Trigg Magistrates Engage In Preparation For November 8

With the Trigg County General Election now less than a week away, a trio of magistrates races should keep locals engaged on November 8.

During last Tuesday’s NewsEdge “Meet the Candidates” forum at The Way in Cadiz, conversations surrounding the First District, Third District, Sixth District, and county as a whole brought incumbents Mike Wright and Cameron Sumner to the table alongside John Oliver, William Linton, Patrick Bush, and Jan Culwell — all discussing the needs and desires of constituents.

In his district, Wright said there were four key focuses: an ample budget for the sheriff’s office, the maintenance and upkeep of 440 miles of county roads, the improvement of recreation, and local taxes.

Bush noted that in District 6 and other parts of the county, residents will be hard-pressed to find a great internet service — even with Hopkinsville Electric and Pennyrile working diligently and effectively on expanding a fiber network.

Like roads, he finds the information highway to also be important.


Culwell agreed with Bush and noted parts of the South Road are in disrepair.

Sumner noted that more jobs — good paying ones, at that — are needed in Trigg County, in order to keep high school, tech school, and college graduates nearby.

Oliver iterated that, if elected, he wants to be a “good steward” of local taxpayer dollars — using his success as a businessman as a knowledge base. He’d like to see more transparency in the bidding process for county jobs, something with which Wright agreed.

Bush wants to see the county’s tourism pushed even harder than it already is, in order to create more county revenue.

If given a $1 million check to buy anything for the county, Culwell said she’d invest in new homes.

Sumner said he’d turn such a grant toward sewer systems and infrastructure in key locations.

Linton said he works a 2/2/3 schedule for half of the year, and that for the other half, he wants to work for the county and its people.


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