Hopkinsville FFA Chapter Salutes Winners During Annual Banquet

The Hopkinsville FFA Chapter officers and members celebrated a successful 2022-23 year during their annual banquet Sunday, April 30.

Among those on hand for the banquet was Kentucky FFA Pennyrile Region Vice-President Maggie Goode, who spoke about finding a home in the FFA and her home chapter at Hopkinsville.

click to download audioMaggie is the daughter of retired FFA Advisor and agriculture instructor the late Troy Goode and Anna Goode.

FFA Advisor and agriculture instructor Aaron Stallons presented the Troy Goode Spirit Award to chapter President Bailey Kington.

click to download audioStallons and co-advisor and teacher Julie Gilliam recognized the graduating seniors.

Several members received their Greenhand and Chapter FFA Degrees. Vice-president Eva Blankenburger announced that she and Bailey Kingston would receive the Kentucky FFA Degree at the state convention in June. She also announced that Hopkinsville FFA Alumnus Johnny Ashby would also receive his State FFA Degree.

The officers also recognized several award winners during the banquet and installed the new slate of officers for the 2023-24 school year. New officers for 2023 include President Hannah Thorson, Vice-president Haylee Jarosz, Mollie Goode as Secretary, Treasurer Jerry Jones, Reporter Olivia Luttrell, and Kylie Batts as Sentinel.

Your Ag Edge photos by Jennie Watts

2023 Hopkinsville FFA Banquet

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