H & R Agripower Ready To Say Thanks During Annual Pancake Breakfast

The employees of H & R Agripower are ready to say thank you Saturday during the annual pancake breakfast at the Hopkinsville headquarters.

H & R Regional Manager Terry Martin says the pancake breakfast has a great history.

click to download audioMartin says serving pancakes is reflective of the foundation of the company.

click to download audioHe adds with the company being employed owned, the service is important for every employee to provide.

click to download audioAlthough there will be some equipment, parts, and service specials Saturday at the store, the most important part of the annual pancake breakfast is fellowship and saying thanks to customers.

click to download audioH & R Agripower is located at 4800 Eagle Way Bypass in Hopkinsville. The location also serves as the headquarters of the company’s 22 locations. Breakfast will be ready at 7:00. Your Ag Edge will help kick off the breakfast with a broadcast on 106.5 WKDZ starting at 7:00.

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