Soggy Sunday Will Give Way To Dry Monday For Eclipse


While Sunday evening has a chance for wet conditions, Monday’s forecast for the heavily-anticipated eclipse is close to perfect.

That’s according to Paducah National Weather Service Meteorologist Ryan Presley, who is currently stationed at John A. Logan Community College in southern Illinois — as the heavenly event approaches.

In a Friday afternoon briefing with authorities, Presley noted warming trends are on the horizon — with showers likely Sunday evening, with some of those storms toting strong to severe possibilities.

Wind gusts Sunday could crest 30 miles per hour, but will slow up to 10-to-15 miles per hour Monday.

Cloud coverage, he added, has been on everyone’s mind for Monday, too, and he noted that a clearing in Sunday afternoon and Monday night storm fronts will make for mostly favorable viewing conditions in west Kentucky.

From there, the tri-state area should expect prolonged rains and storms Tuesday, Wednesday and into Thursday.

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